Our mission

We wish to give a particular colour to the Service national du domaine des langues by emphasizing culture, education about and by the media and reflexive practices (through scenarios available on our website and in our various interventions).
We also intend to provide teachers with a variety of documents and pedagogical tools relevant to the diversity of targeted clienteles. We offer teachers learning situations as well as tools allowing them to make choices according to their interests and competencies. We believe it is important not to confuse the technique and the "machines" themselves with the intellectual contribution and the learning activities they make possible ; we don’t need to worry about what portion of our job as "French or science teacher" must be devoted to the teaching of computer concepts because these processes are in fact an integral part of daily classroom activities. As expressed by Perrenoud (2000), "It is then more a question of how we learn in daily life, i.e. by finding answers to questions that concern us in a real-world context."
Even if we cannot compare the operation of a tape recorder or a VCR to that of a computer, and that it may take, at least at the onset, an inestimable number of hours for the teacher to learn how to use these new tools, the interest of students in learning situations integrating ICT is enough to make us believe that the investment may well be worthwhile !

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