Make It a Habit! Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Elementary grades 4 and 5


The RÉCIT des langues collaborated with teachers at the CSSMV in order to design short reinvestment tasks. Teachers in this project quickly realized that to create a good reinvestment task, it is important to follow the steps and therefore, it takes time.

Pedagogical intention

Students will learn about good habits to be more environmentally friendly by recycling correctly, reducing waste and reusing objects.

Mix and Match

For each step, a choice of activities integrating technologies are suggested and teachers can choose which one to use with their students according to their needs and technology available.

How to use these documents

You can add, delete, and modify every element to adapt to your students’ needs and the technology available. The student booklet (SB) could be used in a digital format or printed.

Resources linked to this article
SB - Google slides
TG - Google slides
Activity Overview
PPT Habit - TG
PPT Overview
PPT Habit - SB